Exhibition ground

ExpoFerretera's Exhibition grounds

See the exhibition ground that provides you useful information in relation to the location of companies, participants, accesses, highlighted spaces within the exhibition, information booths and gastronomy.

updated to 12.11.2025

updated to 12.11.2025

Access to ExpoFerretera

Ingreso a ExpoFerretera

When arriving at La Rural Trade Center of Buenos Aires, located in Palermo neighborhood, have in mind that the two access points are:

2704 Sarmiento Avenue (pedestrian / parking lot)

4476 Cerviño Street (pedestrian / parking lot)

You enter the exhibition through Hall 1, 2 and/or 3 by Sarmiento Avenue and through Hall 3 by Cerviño Street. 

  • By Car
    Access to parking lot: 2704 Sarmiento Avenue or 4476 Cerviño Street
  • By Taxi
  • By Bus
    Lines: 12 - 15 - 29 - 34 - 37 - 39 - 41 - 55 - 57 - 59 - 60 - 64 - 67 - 68 - 93 - 95 - 108 - 111 - 118 - 128 - 152 - 160 - 161 - 194
  • By Metro
    D Line, Plaza Italia station.
  • By Train
    San Martín Line, Palermo station
    Mitre Line, Ministro Carranza station / 3 de Febrero station

Information Booths

ExpoFerretera: Information Booths

Where is the booth of a specific exhibitor? Which conferences or activities are carried out during the day? Where are exhibitors’ conferences given? These and many other questions will be answered in the information booths distributed throughout the exhibition. You can locate them easily since they are identified with an “i” letter. A gentle hostess will help you in everything you need.

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